Word Pressed Again!

It’s been awhile! You can find my sites by typing in Mcbery. Also my blog site is at

http://mcbery.xanga.com/ My ‘Laughter’ page of the week. You can find my first ‘Laughter’

book on Amazon. Look for Mcbery-Cbery.

A Valentine from my Dad’s school years. Such cuteness.

Marching On

My ‘Laughter’ page of the week. I am starting on the next 100 pages. You can find my first 100 ‘Laughter’ pages on Amazon. Look for the title, ‘Laughter – It’s Good For The Soul’ – Mcbery Cbery Here is the link to my current xanga page and the gruesome death of a frog. http://mcbery.xanga.com/8 z laughter page 38 tp poem